"Hold your head high. Don't ever let 'em define The light in your eyes. Love yourself, give them Hell. You can take on this world. You just stand and be strong And then fight Like a girl."
Friday, September 17, 2010
I found an hour!
I get to lab, start hustling to try to get some of the stuff done I have on my list before lab meeting starts... mad that I'm not going to be able to stop for lunch. I look up and realize that I am EXACTLY ontime... replacing the battery in my car reset the clock, and I'm back on schedule!
Finally, something good in the this sore, tired, crazzzzy week!
What would you do with an extra hour today?!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
I’m officially a 2nd year grad student. Woo! That means that I have completed the Basic Biomedical Science Curriculum (BBSC) in which all of the incoming students are in the same basic classes (think Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Statistics, Ethics, etc.) and have entered the Cell Biology Program in the Department of Neuroscience and Cell Biology. Cell Biology is thought of as one of the “easier” degree programs because they don’t focus on class work as much. The director of the program, Dr. Boehning, thinks that your research is the important part of the program, not the course work which I am TOTALLY fine with!
So with that, this year I will be focusing on finishing up my cell biology course work. I should be done with all of my classes by the end of the summer semester 2011. I am required to take 6 hours of electives this year as well as two bigger courses in the summer of 2011( Advance Cell Biology and Academic Skills, where we will be working on our research proposals) I will also be taking my qualifying exam in the Spring of next year. Several of the Cell Biology professors write questions for us to make a take home exam. We research each question and basically write a mini research paper for each question. Passing the exam allows you to apply for candidacy. To apply for candidacy I will submit a proposal after the summer of next year detailing my proposed research path and everything I plan to do. I’ve joined Dr. Boehning’s lab (the link to his website is in one of my previous posts). I’m really happy with the choice. He really likes to get things done early, which is good for me. He has a young family so he understands that people have lives outside of the lab and he supportive of me coaching gymnastics. I am also presenting a poster at the Neuroscience and Cell Biology Department’s research retreat at the end of September. After I submit my proposal, which includes a written portion (in a grant format) a presentation to the public (UTMB faculty and students) and a question and answer session with my proposal committee I will be focusing on research for the next three years.
As for gymnastics, my level 4s and level 6s (I don’t have any level 5s in my groups) will have their first competition on Saturday! They will be competing at their first district qualifier which will qualify them for the level 4 district championship in which they will compete to qualify to the south state championship. Last week we had two judges come in to evaluate the girls. The judges were pleased with their routines as they are now, while there is always room for improvement! I’m probably as excited for their first meet as they are….. especially since its at 3:15pm (instead of 7:30am) and at the closest gym to my house! YAY!
I’m also thinking about running in a half-marathon in November! Here is the link to the one I’m thinking about http://www.seawallhalfmarathon.com/seawall/index.html. IT looks really fun! My friend Lynn is (that just moved to Washington Dc : ( ) is thinking about coming down to do the race as well! I just bought a new pair of running shoes (SUPER AWESOME!) and I’ve got a training program picked out as well as a 5K and a 10K to run as practice and mini-goals along the way. I haven’t paid the registration for any of the races yet, but I’ve been talking about how I’m going to do it… so I guess I have to do it now, right?!
Anyways, I think that’s just about it, I think. I’m sad that I’ve been here a year and not made more posts. I guess on the other hand, it’s been a year and I’m still posting on this blog…. That more than a lot of people can say for theirs! I changed the title, so Its not going to be about just Texas anymore… just my life and adventures,etc!
Love yall,
Sunday, July 4, 2010
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE July Fourth, here are my plans in pictures:

Pool day with Lynn-eliz! Unfortunately, hurricane Alex doesn't like this idea very much, but we'll make it work!

Brats on the grill complete with onions and peppers, potato salad, normal salad and a red white and blue dessert (think strawberries, blueberries and miracle whip)! Can't wait!

We will move it to our favorite restaurant/bar across from the beach to stake our ground for fireworks. I LOVE fireworks, and I'm super stoked about fireworks over the water! mmmm yay!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
New Favorite Recipe!!!!!
I just want to share this recipe with y'all. I keep making it and it is even more amazing everytime!
The only thing I do differently is that I use regular pesto and add sundried tomatoes....
This savory main dish is quick and easy to make.
Serves: 4
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 8 minutes
Nutrition Score per serving:
433 calories, 44 g carbs (41%), 13 g fat (27%), 4 g fiber, 35 g protein (32%)Ingredients
2 | cups instant brown rice |
4 | skinless, boneless chicken-breast halves, rinsed well and patted dry |
2 | teaspoons olive oil |
1 | 14.5-ounce can diced tomatoes with green pepper and onion |
1/4 | cup sun-dried tomato pesto |
1 | 14-ounce can artichoke hearts in water, drained and quartered |
Salt and pepper to taste |
Cook rice according to package directions, without adding fat or salt.
Meanwhile, season both sides of chicken with salt and pepper. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken and cook one minute per side, until golden brown and seared. Using tongs, remove chicken from pan; set aside.
Add canned tomato mix to pan. Simmer for one minute, stirring constantly and incorporating any brown bits from the bottom of the pan. Stir in pesto and artichokes. Return chicken to pan. Cover and simmer for five minutes, until chicken is cooked through. Serve chicken and sauce over cooked rice.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Academic Update
This semester I'm taking two half semester courses, Immunology (first 8 weeks) and Microbiology (2nd 8 weeks). I was going to take a Cancer class but not enough people signed up for the class, so I ended up in only Immunolgy this 8-weeks. I'm kind of loving only having one class!
I started my 1st lab rotation on the 4th. I'm in Dr. Boehning's lab, he is the Chair of the Department of Cell Biology. Here is his website: http://boehninglab.org/default.aspx
He does apoptosis research. Apoptosis is when a cell kills its self from the inside in a controlled manner. This happens normally in a lot of situations, but a lot of neurodegenerative diseases are caused by too much apoptosis, and tumors can grow when there isn't enough apoptosis. I am working on an ovarian cancer project, looking at BRCA1 mutant ovarian cells that are resistant to paclitaxel (the normally chemotherapeutic agent).
In March I will start in Dr. Pomila Singh's lab. http://hiss.utmb.edu/ncb/faculty/PomilaSingh.asp
Thats all for now!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Its been a while.....
I think I'm just going to put up some pictures from the last few months ..... a picture is worth a thousand words you know.
A classmate of mine, Lynn, and I went to the Pasadena Rodeo in October.... It was amazing. WE bought boots before we went, then after we went to the dance hall and learned how to two step. All of the pictures are in an album on Facebook, but here are the real gems:
Melissa came to visit in October (maybe September?)
Melissa and Mitch got married over thanksgiving break.... I would have pictures of that, but those pesky photographers won't let you steal pictures from their site!
We ended the first semester with exams the week of the 14th. We celebrated by going to The Spot.... one of my faves. Here's a picture on the patio of the restaurant. Notice: LACK OF WAVES!

Well thats all for now. Hopefully more VERY VERY SOON!