7:15 AM -- We left Cary after breakfast at Starbucks on Harrison with Megan. And we were OFF!
Somewhere along the way, near Greensboro we started checking off the mile on the maps I got from AAA (PS if you are ever going on a long trip, go to AAA and get Trip Tiks! These things are AMAZING!). We ended up doing this the ENTIRE way to Galveston... its probably what got us through the trip!
10:30 AM -- We stopped in Gaffney, SC to hang out with The giant peach named Peachoid! I really wanted to find a souvenir, but no luck..... we kept going.
3:00PM -- Anniston, AL! World's largest chair! According to Guiness, 1982. We stopped in to see the chair, and brought our own lunches to Sonic!
9:00PM -- We got to New Orleans, LA FINALLY! WE stayed at the Prince Conti Hotel.... $59 for the hotel, $25 to valet my car..... 1/2 block from Bourbon St.! The hotel was nice, Cassie loved it, GREAT DEAL! Dinner at the Oceana Grill, I had a Catfish Po'Boy! So good! then we put two sleepy girls to bed.
11:00AM -- after 12 hours of sleep, Cassie and I went out to explore a tiny bit of New Orleans... We drove down to Cafe Du Monde, ate Beignets and Cafe Au Laits. The waitresses take your order, then go get your food, pay for it, then come and charge you whatever they want. Our waitress said: "I'll take $7.50" So weird!
We also saw a dancing tin man, and a million mules pulling carriages. We bought some fleur de lis earings, and then we were off! Texas or Bust!
5:02PM -- Welcome to TEXAS! yay! we finally arrived in Texas! After the longest bridges I ever been on (Cassie hated it).
I decided to take the ferry to Galveston instead of going through Houston traffic at 6pm. We waited for 45mins to get on the ferry. It was basically like tailgating. We sat on the curb, turned up the music, and ate watermelon, another group even offered us beers while we were waiting. On the ferry, we went up to the top deck, and we saw dolphins swimming with us!!!!! so cool!
So we arrived in Galveston, and that is basically the end of our trip! We went to dinner, Wal-Mart, and went to bed! The End.
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